Monday, October 5, 2020

Genre Research Action

Two very common camera angle used in action films is the High and low angles. High angles are used mostly in Group scenes when a dramatic event is about to occur. A low angle is mostly used to single out an actor during a scene. A commonly used camera movement is a tracking shot. This movement occurs during a fight scene following the movements of a character. my favorite camera shot in any action film is the POV shot. This is when the camera is showing what the character is seeing. This is used to emphasize the feeling that the character is going through.

Commonly used sounds in the action genre are diegetic sounds, sound effects, and dialogue. In action movies, there is a lot of movement and fighting. During fights scenes, the sound of fists hitting each other armor clanking together and people running are all examples of diegetic sound. Examples of sound effects are explosions and laser beams, which orange recorded they are created sound.

The costumes used in action movies are mostly loose fighting so the actors can move freely in a fight and other stunts. The lighting in action movies is always very bright or very dark, there is no in-between. This is to either vividly highlight a fight or to keep viewers guessing. The actors in action movies are always toned and powerful looking to give off an extreme feeling. Makeup is used to alter people’s appearance for example if they need to look older or younger. Common props in action movies consist of weapons vehicles and advanced technology. The setting is used to set the tone, for example, a dramatic setting could mean a final fight.

An extremely common use of editing in action films is cutaways, for example when multiple fights are happening in different places. Eye Line Match is another common editing term were the camera shows each person’s eyes on the same spot on the screen.

Three well-known examples of action films are Marvels Endgame, Terminator, and Any Fast and Furious movie. Both Endgame and Terminator are known for their amazing CGI. Fast and Furious is best known for its Cars and fight scenes.

 I like the fight scenes in action movies, they are always entertaining because of how much is going on at once. I enjoy watching films with explosions it gives off an adrenalin rush to the viewer, and car chases always keep us on the edge of our seats.

            An unappealing element of the action genre to me is the blood, I feel there is too much in some films and it feels too much like a horror film.



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