Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research

This website is based around the opening scenes of well-known movies and TV shows. It mainly focuses on title sequence design, spanning the film, television, conference, and video game industries. I tried to research specific movies, but they only have a select few. After scrolling through the website for a while, I got a better feel of what it was on. It showed opening scenes of various movies that were perfect for studying. When it came to my group’s research, we tried to mainly stick to thriller movie opening credits because that it what our project will be. One thing that caught my attention was the amount of credit given. I learned how many people take part in creating a film or TV show. For example, in the first two minutes, they showed the names of directors, producers, creators, sound developers, etc. The credits always start with the name of the movie and end with the directors name. Each name is on the screen for around 3-5 seconds. They really pay close attention to the mood those first two minutes place on the viewer. It is important because it’s how it draws the audience in and gets them interested. It sets the tone for the rest of the movie. I really enjoyed looking around this website. It seemed easy to use and practical for researching all types of genres.

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