Friday, April 24, 2020

Practice Extract Essay

The author's vision was to give off a suspicious style. The author was trying to convey a sense of importance or value towards the girl, and a sense of urgency in the scene as if they are running out of time. There was a clear lack of trust between the man and the woman.

In the first scene, a man enters a dark and empty room to a woman who is chained to a metal chair. The room had nothing in it but a desk and a person gives away that the room isn’t designed for comfort and something important is going to occur in it. The chains binding the woman to the chair indicates that she is being held against her will most likely for something dad she has done. The Erie music that kicks in once the man enters the room shows that whatever events that are about to occur are going to be serious. There is dim lighting in the room giving off a scared tone. the man paces back and forth by the desk showing his impatience and frustration with the events that are occurring. they seem clips away to two people in a room filled with TV's displaying the events occurring in the room with the man and woman showing that someone is watching in case of an aggressive event.

In the second scene, the man and woman catch eye contact and it is immediately broken to display their hatred for each other. This emphasizes this suspicious tone of duck clip do too be clear tension in the room. The woman glances at the Clock as it ticks loudly displaying The urgency in the entire clip. Dim lights are seen throughout the room's walls to give a very depressing feel to emphasize how important the current events are. The man flips a table after not receiving the information he's trying to get demonstrating his lack of patience and anger towards this woman. He then continues to yell at her in an attempt to scare the information out of her. The scene then cuts away to the two people watching the events in a different room. The man is stressed and worried as he's rubbing his forehead with his eyes glued to the screen, demonstrating its importance.

in the third and final scene, the woman uses threats and blackmail against the man knowing that he isn't able to harm her raising further suspicion on why she knows what position he's in. The man sits in a chair out of frustration and exhales deeply. This is displaying his extreme anger with this woman and starting to show his patience running out. They make eye contact once again but it doesn't break for a couple of seconds, she has a smug and he's angry raising the tension in the room. In a rage, the man gets up grabbing the woman by the throat dragging her chair across the floor and banging it against the wall. At this point the man has snapped is done playing games. The chair hitting the wall in making a loud sound is to try and emphasize just how much power was in his action due to his anger. The people from the other room start running in screaming to let her go make me clear that she's an asset to these people. The man is told to leave the room he walks out with frustration and a daggering glare towards one of the people who entered the room. the music gets more dramatic giving off the feeling that he is going to do something rash.

With everything going on in this clip the stone of suspense is given off. The man leaves the room angry and it seems to be about to do something rash. There is tension between the man and woman do to the man's ability to get the information out of the woman. With all the glances the Clock it was clear that the scene was to seem urgent. When the man Was choking the woman it seemed that he had intended to kill her but because of her importance, he was told not to and therefore restrained himself.

Friday, April 17, 2020


This is my blog containing my CCR. This was one of my favorite projects of the entire year. My CCR was filmed by myself and my Sister (Sydney). I loved the talk show theme we went for. Getting to Choose the title of the show was cute. I also enjoyed getting to wear the bowtie.

Movie Blog

Music Video Blog

Commercial blog

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Re editing blog

These past few weeks, things have been extremely different. Due to an increase in COVID-19 cases in our country, a lot of things have changed. A few rules have been put out by the government, including the "social distancing" rule. We are not allowed to leave our homes unless it is for necessities. It all feels unreal and has affected everything. One of those things is our schooling. Our AICE Media Studies class' assignments, along with other classes, are all now completely online. Along with this class' assignments goes our final project. We were not able to finish editing together before the global crisis happened and now we can't see each other. Because of this, our group member who had the software we are editing on has been the only one able to finish.
        Despite the struggles, we have been able to overcome them and conclude working on our 2-minute video product. Before we turn in anything, we have to work on our Creative Critical Reflection or CCR. This is a video presentation answering four questions. The questions are all regarding our final project and the process of creating it. My group and I all decided to each do ours in an interview style. We thought it would be a fun and creative way to go about answering the questions. The video has to be a minimum of 15 minutes, so we have to plan it out perfectly. After we complete that, we will be able to turn everything in. That will be the end of our experience with this class.